Ergonomics Systems Specialist (ESS) Certification Workshop

$2,995.00 Plus GST

Ergonomics Systems Specialist Course

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Not every company needs their own professional Ergonomist, but every company needs an Ergonomics Champion to drive their program and ensure success. Workplace ergonomics certification.

5 Day Course

Monday December 9th to Thursday December 12th, 8AM - 4PM
Friday, December 13th, 8AM - 12PM

In This Course You Will Learn How To;

  1. Identify gaps within your current safety management system relative to ergonomics and injury prevention
  2. Follow a proven process to reduce musculoskeletal injuries
  3. Apply specific assessment tools and technologies
  4. Implement a cost-benefit matrix in the selection of controls
  5. Evaluate interventions and program effectiveness
  6. Manage knowledge and drive continuous improvement

Upon successful course completion, you are eligible to become a Certified ESS.